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Title : The Four Yogas
Author : Swami Atmananda
Pages : 236
Price : ₹60

About the book:

This book presents the author's understanding of the main teachings of Sri Krishna (Karma yoga), Narada (Bhakti Yoga), Vyasa (jnana yoga of brahmasutras) and Sri AdiSankaracharya commentator on the Vedanta. The attempt is thus to 'enunciate and eluciadate the most advanced religious principles and practices conducive to the fostering of spirituality in India'. These teachings, the author hopes, 'may be useful to the world at this moment' Why only this moment? They shall guide and illumine the footsteps of mankind "unto the last syllable of recorded time".
To quote Vivekananda quoted at the outset of the work:
" The various Yogas do not conflict with each other. Each of them leads us to the same goal and makes us perfect. Only each has to be strenuously practiced. The whole secret is in practicing. Each one of our Yogas is fitted to make man perfect, without the help of others, because they have the same goal in view; the Yogas of work, of wisdom, of devotion are all capable of serving as direct and independent means for the attainment of Moksha. We find that Jnana, Bhakti and Karma all come to one point."

The author adds one more to the three Yogas - mentioned by Vivekananda and that is the Rajyoga of Patanjali.
It is a sign of the author's independence of outlook that he puts on record a demurrer to the view of Vivekananda which treats Karmayoga at par with other yogas (see pages 45- 46) and, fairly enough, tells the reader what might be the basis of the opinion held by Swami Vivekananda in the matter. So also, it is worthy of note that the author elaborates the concept of Parabhakti as a part of bhakti yoga for which the author bases himself on Narada and, in doing so, presumably seeks to fill up an ellipsis of the sage's thinking on the subject. The work offers a valuable access to the classical authoritative expositions of the four yogas known to the Hindu religious philosophy.

About The Author: Swami Atmananda :
Swami Atmananda was born in Chittur, Palakkad District, Kerala. As a B.A.L.T. he was in private educational service till 1930 when he joined the Salt Satyagraha as one of the leaders of that movement in Kerala. A devotee of Swami amdas since 1939 he took Sanyas from him in 1950.

By the Same Author :
  • Sri Sankara's Teachings in his own words