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This is a book for those on a spiritual search and explains karma, enlightenment, faith, spiritualism and other such topics. This is written by an American who has strong faith in the Hindu culture. Raised as a Christian he experimented with the New Age System and others before settling down on Hinduism and Buddhism. The book claims to be a possible destination for people's spiritual search.Starting with the question Who is God? the writer takes the reader on a journey to finding out who we are, what does God want and what do the ideas of reincarnation and karma mean. The book begins with the start of civilization and the begin of Hinduism. The author talks of the Aryans and indo Europeans, of the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, of Maya and karma and rebirth and reincarnation.
About The Author: Lawrence Brown :
Mr Brown is the author of five books, a geography text book and several articles. He is a teacher of geography and ancient history at Cape Cod Academy in Massachusetts. He has studied theology and is active in the Universal Brotherhood Movement. His wife Bettina is a Reiki master.