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Title : Hospital management
Author : Dr T H Rindani
Pages : 154
Price : ₹150
ISBN : 81-7276-287-9

About the book:

This book is a medical administrator's comparative experiences.Management of hospitals is a very complex task and the CEO of the hospital has to have a lot of coping abilities. There are no rules of the thumb but it is only with experience that one learns how to manage a hospital. The main role of the hospital is to provide high quality medical care to each patient which needs cooperation from all sectors and it is here that the CEO shows his mettle as a capable captain. This book is based on first hand experiences of the writer in handling situations that arise in the running of hospitals.
Thirty years of experience of the author has produced this excellent book. He has offered several pearls of wisdom in the running of a hospital smoothly. He advises all CEOs to treat the staff with dignity, to listen to everyone with an open mind, to carry his team successfully and has written on Human resources, role of management, doctors and other such topics. Beginning the book with the types of hospitals he has gone on to talk about medical records, role of doctors, non medical services, working environment and other such topics. Many interesting anecdotes are given to illustrate the book.

About The Author: Dr T H Rindani :
Dr Rindani has been the Medical Director and later the Chief Executive Director of Jaslok and Research Centre in Mumbai . He was the Dean of Seth G S Medical college and KEM Hospital in Mumbai. He is the recepient of the Moos gold medal and has done research on the physiology of stress.