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While going on a tirtha yatra one should preferably go on foot. Some places are not accessible by conveyance. Walking is also relaxation and gives the visitor time to think and contemplate. It is said that if the pilgrim employs a vehicle he will lose half the merit, if he uses shoes or umbrella he will further lose out on merit and if he conducts business on the way or accepts a gift then his pilgrimage is a waste. However a physically ill person can undertake the journey even by conveyance and he will not lose any merit.
Kanuj, Pataliputra, Ellora, Palni, Mithila, Alandi, Calcutta and others have been included in this volume. The tirtha cult is unique to India and this movement has great influence in strengthening the religious and cultural foundations of our country. Geographical details and historical ones of the places mentioned in all these four volumes have been given in detail and are interesting to read.
About The Author: J. H. Dave :
Professor Jayantakrishna Harikrishna Dave, Mahamahopadhyay Vidyavachaspati is an accomplished author of several books. He is a senator, lawyer, a scholar and an authority on Hindu law.