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This book of thoughts on the Gita contains a line-by-line translation of the slokas, grouped subjectwise under appropriate heads. It has an exhaustive table of contents as well as an index. Read More
This is a special type of book. It is based on a discussion in a learned assembly in the U.S. on the Gita as related to an ethics for a nuclear policy.Read More
Students of Indian universities know much less about the Gita and the principles of Hinduism than undergraduates of European universities know about the Bible and Christianity. The present handbook is a welcome step towards correcting this sad situation.Read More
This book of translation of and commentary on the Gita is a scholarly attempt to explain this supreme scripture of Hinduism to the modern generation of laymen not acquainted with philosophical concepts and terms and bring home to them its priceless teachings.Read More
This book of translation of and commentary on the Gita is a scholarly attempt to explain this supreme scripture of Hinduism to the modern generation of laymen not acquainted with philosophical concepts and terms and bring home to them its priceless teachings.Read More
The Gita is a treatise on the art of Life. This is the true significance of its message, and this is the point of view from which this book discusses its teachings. Read More
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