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The book is a modern english translation of the Rig Veda Samhitaa - the most ancient document. This is a word for word translation so as to enable the learned readers to contemplate the meaning of the Mantras themselves. The text is written in easy conversational modern English. The Series has been divided into 4 volumes. Read More
Everyone, everywhere desires to be happy in life, always and throughout the life. Without exception, all are desirous of reaching the abode of God at the end of their lives. A knowledge about what you are, who you are, what Brahaman is, your relationship with 'Him', the spiritual path you may opt to tread to reach 'Him', etc., elucidated in our Vedic scriptures, have been meaningfully propounded with well reasoned conclusions using specific Sanskrit words to convey certain concepts clearly. Read More
Vedic tradition is eternal. It existed long ago and will continue existing for a long time. The book brings out some aspects of this tradition along with its influence on others like Buddhist, Ancient European, Greco-Roman and others.Read More
The book deals with eleven dialogue-hymns of the Rgveda. The original text in Vedic Sanskrit has been translated in as easy an expression as possible. A worth reading book for those having taste for a peep into and respect for the distant past.Read More
Here is a key to the doorway of immortality. This book enshrines the discourses of the late Parmacharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham which capture the vision of a spiritual world of romance, adventure, quest and achievement. Read More
The first volume on Rig Veda by the late Dr. Trikha deals with the first thirty hymns of the Veda. This second and final volume gives the scientific and intellectual analysis of the remaining hymns. It deals with the Vedic concept of Creation first the sacrifice of the Primal Being (Purusha), then as ideation ( Sankalpa) in His mind on waking up from sleep (Yoga-nidra) and finally as the weaving of the web of creationRead More
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