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The book gives the needed impetus for the people of India to realize that they are the children of Immortal bliss with a glorious past and heritage. Research tells that the imposed theory of Aryan invasion is not correct. India has been a united nation of one people with a common culture and tradition. There is ample evidence that our country was and is a richly endowed country. The book tells of the realization that vedic rishis of yore anticipated ideas and developed theories in many areas which are only now being explored, that India had every knowledge and information which is even now undiscovered. Read More
This treatise on 'Meditation' is the English rendering of the gist of talks given by Rajinder Kaur, while taking meditation classes of the Akal Satsang. What is written is based on her personal experience as meditation guide and therein lies its real value to the readers, who are seriously interested in regular meditation for transforming their lives.Read More
The book includes the chapters from the Book of Yudhisthir as well as from the Book of Kuruskshetra. This book deals with the main episodes preceding the Kuruskshetra was and ends with the war being raged. The Kauravas ruled over Hastinapur while the Pandavas had to be content with Khadavaprastha, a wilderness. However they made it into a beautiful place and managed to invite kings to perform the Rajasuya. When Krishna is honoured there is a big fight. Then the Kauravas invite the Pandavas to the famous game of dice which eventually leads to their banishment again and the Mahabharat war.Read More
Bhima the third brother of the Pandavas was giant sized, full of pranks, naughty, and lovable. He is shown to pull Draupadi's hair, teasing Jalandhara, Duryodhana's sister in law, and always talking merrily. He makes Drupad 'force' the Pandavas to take a large dowry. When they return to Hastinapur, he heads the big bridal procession. Read More
As the title of the book suggests, the story revolves around Hastinapur, the Pandavas, Kauravas and Krishna. The banishment of the Pandavas by the Kauravas and their 'deaths', their travails in the forest, Draupadi's swaymavara and the wining of Draupadi's hand by Arjuna are included in this book.Read More
Written with a deep insight into our cultural heritage , the book traces the evolutionary process of our heritage from the Vedic times.Read More
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