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Bhavan's Books: Catalogue

  • Title: Insights into the Law of Karma
    Author: BH. V. Nageswar Rao
    Price: Rs 30/-
  • Title: Introduction to Vedanta
    Author: P. Nagaraja Rao
    Price: Rs 40/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Is there justice in life?
    Author: Ramadas
    Price: Rs 120/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Isa Upanishad
    Author: Dr. S. A. Sarma
    Price: Rs 125/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Jaina Philosophy: An introduction
    Author: Mohan Lal Mehta
    Price: Rs 160/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Japamala: A search for the Immanent
    Author: K.A.N. Talpasai
    Price: Rs 90/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lectures 1967-81 Vol 1
    Author: Eminent contributors
    Price: Rs 400/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lectures 1982-97 Vol II
    Author: Eminent contributors
    Price: Rs 400/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Jaya Somnath
    Author: K. M. Munshi
    Price: Rs 525/-
  • Title: Jayashankar Sundari and Abhinayakala
    Author: B B Panchotia
    Price: Rs 70/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Kalasa Karanas and Sthanaka - Mandala Bheda
    Author: Dr Sandhya Purecha
    Price: Rs 900/-
  • Title: Kamba Ramayan-a study
    Author: V V S Aiyar
    Price: Rs 75/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Kanchi Mahaswami on poets and poetry
    Author: V Sivaramakrishnan
    Price: Rs 50/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Karmaveer Divakar
    Author: R K Joshi
    Price: Rs 60/-
  • Title: Kena Upanishad : A study from the Sakta Perspective
    Author: Dr. S. A. Sarma
    Price: Rs 130/-
  • Title: Khasa Subba Rau, Fine Editor and Fearless Journalist
    Author: Dr D Anjaneyulu
    Price: Rs 120/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Know thyself
    Author: G K Pradhan
    Price: Rs 570/-
  • Title: Knowledge and Wisdom
    Author: Prof. Harish C. Gaur
    Price: Rs 400/-
  • Title: Krishi Mandala in Rigveda
    Author: N. L. Jategaonkar
    Price: Rs 140/-
  • Title: Krishna and Human Relations
    Author: Harindranath Dave
    Price: Rs 350/- (out of stock)
  • Title: Krishna- A study in the theory of avataras
    Author: Dr Bhagavan Das
    Price: Rs 300/-
  • Title: Krishnavatara Complete Set (Vol I to Vol VII)
    Author: K. M. Munshi
    Price: Rs 3195/-
  • Title: Krishnavatara VI The Book of Veda Vyaasa the Master
    Author: K. M. Munshi
    Price: Rs 390/-
  • Title: Krishnavatara VII The Book of Yudhisthira
    Author: K. M. Munshi
    Price: Rs 325/-
  • Title: Krishnavatara-I The Magic Flute
    Author: K. M. Munshi
    Price: Rs 490/-

  • Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27