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This is the first history of India written exclusively by her own people which brings to bear on the problems a detached and critical appreciation. A team of over sixty scholars of repute present herein a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the political, socio-economic and cultural history of the Indian people.
The first volume of this history begins with an introductory section dealing with certain general topics bearing upon the history of India as a whole. Although dealing with the Vedic age, it gives the necessary geological, geographical and biological background before proceeding to the first state of human activity in India. The third section is devoted to a general consideration of the Indo-Aryans; the fourth deals with the political history of the period and the remaining sections, social and economic conditions, and religion and philosophy. In short, this volume covers, what may be regarded as, the dawn of Hindu Civilization.
The contributors to this volume are: Dr. R.C. Majumdar, Sri K.N.Dikshit, Sri. D.N. Wadia, Dr. G.P. Majumdar, Prof. B.K. Chatterji, Dr. H.D. Sankalia, Dr. S.K. Chatterji, Dr. A. D. Pusalker, Dr. B.K. Ghosh, Dr. V.M. Apte, Dr. M.A. Mehendale.