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Title : The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -3: The Classical Age
Author : R. C Majumdar (Editor)
Pages : 758
Price : ₹1675
ISBN : 9788172765217

About the book:

This is the first history of India written exclusively by her own people which brings to bear on the problems a detached and critical appreciation. A team of over sixty scholars of repute present herein a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the political, socio-economic and cultural history of the Indian people.
In the early chapters of this Volume the authors have taken as their focal point the political history of India, the rise, decline and fall of the Gupta Empire and have brought the history of the subsequent period into perspective. Special emphasis has been laid on the work of the Chalukyas and the Pallavas in the South who took up the thread left by the Guptas in the North and achieved political unit in the Deccan and South India, thereby, envisaging the political ideal of a federation of the three regional units. The cultural movements which accompanied these events have also been traced. During this period there were established those rock like foundations which were to culminate in the highest peak of Hinduism; of these we may cite the Ramayana and Mahabharata among the epics, the vast Puranic lore, and Vishnavism and Saivism in the field of religion. Then, Sanskrit as the lingua franca of educated India cut across all disunity; but more than this, we find the cultural hands of India, stretching across her natural boundaries even as far as Central and Eastern Asia, thus establishing "Greater India".
The contributors to this Volume are: Dr. R.C.Majumdar, Prof. R. Sathianathaier, Prof. K.A. Nilakanta Sastri, Dr. M. A. Mehendale, Dr. G.V. Devasthali, Dr.K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar, Prof. H.D. Velankar, Dr. Nalinaksha Dutt, Dr. U.N. Ghoshal, Dr. A. D. Pusalkar, Dr. J.N. Banerjea, Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan, Dr. A.M.Ghatage, Prof.U.C.Bhattacharjee,Prof. H.D. Bhattacharyya, Dr. Nihar Ranjan Ray, Prof. S.K. Saraswati, Dr. D.C.Sircar.
39 plates adequately illustrate the best specimens of the unique artistic achievements of this period.

By the Same Author :
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -1: The Vedic Age
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -2: Age of Imperial Unity
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -4: The Age of Imperial Kanauj
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -5: The Struggle For Empire
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -6: The Delhi Sultanate
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -7:The Mughal Empire
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -8:The Maratha Supremacy
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -9: British Paramountcy And Indian Renaissance Part 1
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -10:British Paramountcy And Indian Renaissance Part 2
  • The History and Culture of the Indian People Vol -11:Struggle For Freedom
  • History and Culture of the Indian People (Complete Set)