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This is the first history of India written exclusively by her own people which brings to bear on the problems a detached and critical appreciation. A team of over sixty scholars of repute present herein a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the political, socio-economic and cultural history of the Indian people.
This Volume deals with the period from the accession of the Khaljis on the throne of Delhi to the First Battle of Panipat which laid the foundations of the Mughul Empire. The Muslim Sultans of Delhi never ruled over even a major part of India, except during two brief periods of about twenty years each. For the rest, the history of India was really the history of a large number of independent States under both Hindu and Muslim rulers. That India has not shared the fate of other countries in Asia overrun by Muslim forces in chiefly due to these states, and hence their history has been dealt with in some detail. The period witnessed the settlement of Muslims on a large scale in India. The period is also remarkable for the rise of a number of religious leaders like Ramananda, Kabir, Chaitanya and Nanka who ushered in a new phase of mystic devotionalism in Indian religion, the influence of which may still be felt. Special chapters have been devoted to the Islamic political theory and administrate organization as well as the social condition of Indian Muslims.
The contributors to this volume are:
Dr.S.Roy, Dr.A.K.Majumdar, Dr.P.M.Joshi, Sri S.Dutta, Dr.H.A.Mehendale, Dr.S.K.Chatterjee, Dr.M.Ishaque, Dr.U.N.Ghoshal, Sri S.K. Saraswati, Sri.N.B.Ray, Dr.N.Venkataramanayya, Dr.I.H.Qureshi, Dr.A.D.Pusalkar, Dr.K.R.Srinivasa Iyengar, Dr.D.C.Sarkar, Dr.M.W.Mirza, Dr. R.C.Majumdar, Dr.Hameeduddin.