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Title : Karmaveer Divakar
Author : R K Joshi
Pages : 152
Price : ₹60

About the book:

Sri Ranganatha Diwakar is one of the revered leaders who fought for India's freedom. He was a journalist who created a moral foundation for journalism before it became an industry. His courage, patriotism, sagacity and mastery over journalism is evergreen in peoples memories. Sri Diwakar was the architect of the Bangalore centre of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and this book is a contribution of the Bhavan in the birth centenary year.
Sri Ranganatha Diwakar was a first ranking politician, a minister in the Union Cabinet, a governor of Bihar, a member of Parliament, one of the founding fathers of the Constitution, a man of letters, a spiritualist, a Gandhian besides being a very eminent journalist. He was a karma Veera kannadiga who lived almost for a century.

About The Author: R K Joshi :
Shri Joshi is a senior journalist of Karnataka. He participated in the historic Congress Session that passed the Quit India resolution. He is the author of several analytical writings and has coauthored books as well. He was awarded the Karnataka Patrika Academy award in 1987 and several other awards.