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It is almost a word to word about the happenings in the last stages of independent Hyderabad before it joined mainstream India after independence. In the stomach of India, Hyderabad was like a 'cancer' and if it had not joined the country and had chosen to remain independent it would have been a real problem. K M Munshi was India's Agent General in Hyderabad and gives a vivid account of the happenings of that period of time which was turbulent, full of intrigues, political moves and sensation.Today's generation may find it history but at that time it was happening and a part of life. From January 5 to September 21, 1948 the author spent his time in Hyderabad, negotiating, making decisions, talking, giving speeches. The incidents of that tumultuous period have been recreated and make interesting reading.
About The Author: K. M. Munshi :
Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, Kulapati and the main person behind the Bhavan's books was a very versatile person. He was an eminent lawyer, one of the framer's of the Indian Constitution, and a seasoned statesman. K M Munshi was influenced by Sri Aurobindo and was an ardent freedom fighter, working with Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Tilak, Annie Besant, Jinnah and others. He was the Home Minister of Bombay, India's Food Minister, Governor of Uttar Pradesh, India's Agent General at Hyderabad. Acknowledged as the foremost writer in Gujarati in his times, his contribution to literature is vast. He wrote novels, dramas, memoirs, history and historical novels in Gujarati and English.