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The gripping narratives and dialogues of Lomaharshini give true and graphic
images of Aryavarta as India was known 4500 years ago providing the western
readers, a glimpse of the life and times of that dim remote past.
Kulapati Munshi's Gujarati novel Lomaharshini in Gujarati was first published in 1945 and it had been very warmly welcomed by the readers.
This transalation in English by Shri Atul Kumar Jain vibrantly presents the culture and life of people in Aryavarta of Vedic Age. The book will enlighten the readers who seek to peep into our ancient ethos.
About The Author: K. M. Munshi :
Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi, Kulapati and the main person behind the Bhavan's books was a very versatile person. He was an eminent lawyer, one of the framer's of the Indian Constitution, and a seasoned statesman. K M Munshi was influenced by Sri Aurobindo and was an ardent freedom fighter, working with Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Tilak, Annie Besant, Jinnah and others. He was the Home Minister of Bombay, India's Food Minister, Governor of Uttar Pradesh, India's Agent General at Hyderabad. Acknowledged as the foremost writer in Gujarati in his times, his contribution to literature is vast. He wrote novels, dramas, memoirs, history and historical novels in Gujarati and English.