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Munshiji tells us through this book that the reading of the sriptures, has to be done earnestly. He tells us how our scripture, the Gita, has to be read. Read More
This is a book with an utterly new interpretation of the Gita with Prof. Thakur's excellent analysis of its key words and phrases and its central and supporting images.Read More
The book is a summarized version of the Bhagavad Gita, chapter by chapter, and is useful for students and those interested in the teaching of the Gita. The book is a very brief, precise and concise Gita in a nutshell. Read More
The book looks at the teachings of Bhagawad Gita from Arjuna's point of view. The author has described clearly the changes taking place in Arjuna as the Gita progresses. From a reluctant warrior, Arjuna emerges as a transformed stitapragya who can be decisive, fearless, invincible and less emotional.Read More
To understand and assimilate all that the Gita teaches could probably take a person's lifetime. This book gives the stanzas of the Gita and its English translation. Bhagvad Gita is not just a dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna. It symbolizes the eternal dialogue that goes on in the minds of many striving souls.Read More
Bhagavadgita contains the entire fabric of Indian philosophy. The author was fascinated by the story of Krishna but his gospel was not very clear to him. Swami Vivekananda inspired him through his life and his works and felt that Bhagavadgita could speak to the Indian society and hence he has studied it in great detail and given a fresh interpretation without deviating from the ancient culture.Read More
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